Whats New at this Site

This page will detail all additions/changes that have been made to this site. If you would like to be informed when this site changes please fill in the details below and click on the Keep Me Informed button.


Coming Soon
Book review of 'Breakthrough' by Whitley Strieber
Book review of 'Dimensions of Enchantment' by Manfred Cassirer
Book review of 'Anti-Gravity and the Unified Field' by David Hatcher Childress
Book review of 'Confrontations : A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact' by Jacques Vallee
Book review of 'The Philadelphia Experiment' by William L. Moore, Charles Berlitz
Book review of 'The Pleiadian Mission : A Time of Awareness' by Randolph Winters
Book review of 'The Watchers : The Secret Design Behind Ufo Abduction' by Raymond Fowler
'Glassboro' case to FAMOUS SIGHTINGS
'Pineville' case to FAMOUS SIGHTINGS
'Corning' case to FAMOUS SIGHTINGS

Please note that due to Web Space restriction (currently 99% used) I will be removing some 'thumbnail' graphics to make space available

18th July
Added book review of 'Missing Time' by Budd Hopkins
Added 'The X-Chronicles' site to OTHER UFO SITES
Added 'Dan Wolmans UFO Page' to OTHER UFO SITES
Removed USERPAGES to increase web space

16th July
Added 'Majestic-12 Document Graphics' to UFO PICTURES
Added 'San Jose Mercury News' to OTHER UFO SITES
Added 'National UFO Reporting Center' site to OTHER UFO SITES
Added 'Ponders UFO' site to OTHER UFO SITES

13th July
Added 'Dreamland : A Novel of the Ufo Cover-Up' by Hilary Hemingway to NEW UFO BOOKS
Added 'The Australian UFO Sightings Page' site to OTHER UFO SITES
Added 'Whitley Strieber Homepage' site to OTHER UFO SITES
Added '1995 - Ottawa, Ontario' sighting to PERSONAL SIGHTINGS
Added 'Secret Study' to OTHER UFO SITES
Added 'John Carpenter' to FAMOUS PEOPLE
Added 'Ronnie D. Owen' to FAMOUS PEOPLE
Added 2 books to BYAUTHOR and BYTITLE

8th July - 12th July
On Cricket Tour for 1 week - No Updates

7th July
Added 'NACCOM UFO Research' site to OTHER UFO SITES

6th July
Added '1965 Rockey River, Ohio' case to PERSONAL SIGHTINGS
Added 'Mikes UFO Connnection' to OTHER UFO SITES
Replaced thumbnail graphics in 'Billy Meier' UFO PICTURES with text

5th July
Added 'Alaska' case to FAMOUS SIGHTINGS
Added 'Rosedale' case to FAMOUS SIGHTINGS
Added '1980 Sterling, Virginia' case to PERSONAL SIGHTINGS

1st July
Added '1980 Benton, Maine' case to PERSONAL SIGHTINGS
Update 'James Forrestal' in FAMOUS PEOPLE
Updated 'Area 51' Web site address in OTHER UFO SITES
Added date of 'Hull' sighting in PERSONAL SIGHTINGS

Revamped Homepage with new graphical look and Netscape Enhancments
Added '1953 Kinross' case to FAMOUS SIGHTINGS
Added 'The Thomas Mantell' case to FAMOUS SIGHTINGS
Added 'Antonio Villas-Boas' to FAMOUS ABDUCTIONS
Added 'Meridan' case to FAMOUS SIGHTINGS
Added 'Maury Island' case to FAMOUS CRASHES
Added review of 'Ufo Abductions In Gulf Breeze' by Ed and Frances Walters to BOOK REVIEWS
Added review of 'Project Blue Book : The Top Secret Ufo Findings Revealed' by Brad Steiger TO BOOKS REVIEWS
Added review of 'Revelations' by Jacques Vallee to BOOK REVIEWS
Added review of 'The Ufo Casebook' by Capt. Kevin Randle
Added review of 'Aliens - The Final Answer' by David Barclay
Added review of 'Ufo Encounters & Beyond' by Jerome Clark
Added 'Charles Fort' to FAMOUS PEOPLE
Added 'Townsend Brown' to FAMOUS PEOPLE
Added 'Major Donald Keyhoe' to FAMOUS PEOPLE
Added 'Alien Skinz' to OTHER UFO SITES
Added 'Whitley Strieber' to FAMOUS PEOPLE
Added 'Ray Palmer' to FAMOUS PEOPLE
Added 'Edward Ruppelt' to FAMOUS PEOPLE
Added 'Raymond Fowler' to FAMOUS PEOPLE
Added 'Admiral Byrd' to FAMOUS PEOPLE
Added 'John Keel' to FAMOUS PEOPLE
Added 'Jerome Clark' to FAMOUS PEOPLE
Added 'Jacques Vallee' to FAMOUS PEOPLE
Added 'Russian UFO Site' to OTHER UFO SITES
Added 'OWFC UFO Web site' to OTHER UFO SITES
Added 'Quebec Insolite' to OTHER UFO SITES
Added 'Australian UFO Site' to OTHER UFO SITES
Added 'Tinas UFO Page' to OTHER UFO SITES
Updated 'ORTK' Address in OTHER UFO SITES
Added 'Architects of the Underworld : Unriddling Atlantis, Anomalies of Mars, and the Mystery of the Sphinx' by Bruce Rux to NEWBOOKS
Added 'Forbidden Science : Journals 1957-1969' by Jacques Vallee to NEWBOOKS
Added 'Hull' sighting to PERSONAL SIGHTINGS
Added '1982 - Bay of Quinte' sighting to PERSONAL SIGHTINGS
Added 'Miamisburg, Ohio' to PERSONAL SIGHTINGS
Added 'Lansing, Michigan' sighting to PERSONAL SIGHTINGS
Updated Chapter listings to 'UFOs: The Final Answer' in BOOK REVIEWS
Updated 'Major Donald Keyhoe' in FAMOUS PEOPLE
Updated 'Robert Sarbacher' in FAMOUS PEOPLE
Updated 'Wilbert Smith' in FAMOUS PEOPLE
Updated 'Edward Ruppelt' in FAMOUS PEOPLE
Updated 'Men in Black' in UFO GLOSSARY
Updated 'John Keel' in FAMOUS PEOPLE
Updated 'Admiral Byrd' in FAMOUS PEOPLE
Updated 'Brad Steiger' in FAMOUS PEOPLE
Updated 'Jacques Vallee' in Famous People
Updated 'George Knapp' in WHO's WHO
Updated 'Corel & Ji Lorenzen' in WHO's WHO
Updated 'Brad Steiger' in WHO's WHO
Updated 'Above Top Secret' BOOK REVIEW
Updated 'Bruce Cathie' in FAMOUS PEOPLE
Updated 'Saga Prefecture' in MUTILATION CASES
Added placeholder for 'Missing Time' by Budd Hopkins
Added placeholder for 'Anti-Gravity and the Unified Field' by David Hatcher Childress
Added placeholder for 'Confrontations : A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact' by Jacques Vallee
Added placeholder for 'Dimensions of Enchantment' by Manfred Cassirer
Added placeholder for 'The Philadelphia Experiment' by William L. Moore, Charles Berlitz
Added placeholder for 'The Pleiadian Mission : A Time of Awareness' by Randolph Winters
Added placeholder for 'The Watchers : The Secret Design Behind Ufo Abduction' by Raymond Fowler
Added 22 Books to BYAUTHOR and BYTITLE
Replaced thumbnail graphics in 'Catalina Island' UFO PICTURES with text
Replaced thumbnail graphics in 'Misc' UFO PICTURES with text
Replaced thumbnail graphics in '1965 California' UFO PICTURES with text
Replaced thumbnail graphics in '1977 Uruguay' UFO PICTURES with text
Removed Aprils changes in WHATNEW
Removed STATTRAX logging icon
Fix grammer and Spelling errors in 50 Pages

Added review of 'UFO's: The Final Answer' by David Barclay
Added review of 'The Allagash Abductions' by Raymond Fowler
Added review of 'Genisis Revisted' by Zecharia Sitchin
Added review of 'Dimensions: A Casebook Of Alien Contact' by Jacques Vallee
Added review of 'Out There' by Howard Blum to BOOK REVIEWS
Added review of 'The Gulf Breeze Sightings' by Ed and Frances Walters to BOOK REVIEWS
Added 'Hephzibah' sighting to PERSONAL SIGHTINGS
Added 'Nashville ' to PERSONAL SIGHTINGS
Added 'Boiling Springs ' to PERSONAL SIGHTINGS
Added '1996 NC' Sighting to PERSONAL SIGHTINGS
Added 'Fastwalker' by Jacques Vallee, Tracy Torme to NEW UFO BOOKS
Added 'The Biological Universe' by Steven J Dick to NEW UFO BOOKS
Added 'Scotts UFO Page' to OTHER UFO SITES
Added 5 few books to BYTITLE and BYAUTHOR
Added 5 new books to BYAUTHOR and BYTITLE
Added 'Paul Sulzbacher' to USER UFO THEORIES
Added 28 books to UFO BOOKS BYAUTHOR and BYTITLE
Added 'Sightings On-Line' to OTHER UFO SITES
Added 'UFO Abductee Probability Measurement' to OTHER UFO SITES
Added 'Eriks UFO Page' to OTHER UFO SITES
Added 'Encounter in the Pleiadas' to NEW UFO BOOKS
Added 1 new book to BYTITLE and BYAUTHOR
Updated 'Jacques Vallee' in WHO's WHO
Updated NEW UFO BOOKS to remove old books
Removed MARCH updates from WHATSNEW
Removed 'Waynes UFO' page from Other UFO sites as site has been deleted
Removed 'LATEST UFO' and replaced with a link to the best UFO headlines page
Fixed some spelling errors

Please EMAIL me with any additional Info/Suggestions